Monday, July 20, 2009

A day off and a longing...

Today is my day off, well day off from running, instead i rode the bike and swam. To be honest, it just dosent feel the same. There something diffrent in the way you feel. There's nothing i can say to make it feel the same. I love the rush of air i pull in evrey couple strides, the numbness in my finger tips, and even the aches i get in my legs. The best thing in the world is going so fast that you stop thinking, and then u breathe in and your mind is gone to your surroundings , and your going so fast you feel like your flying, and if you keep pushing you'll feel God come up behind you and swoop you up and carry you under his wings and fly away to your finish.

it's days like this i'm wishing for tomarrow...

my quote for
"Tough times don't last but tough people do. "
A.C. Green, Retired NBA Basketball Player

Sunday, July 19, 2009

got guts?

After my injury i have been slowly coming back to full speed and today the marker was 2 miles!
During the first mile, this twenty year old buff guy kept sprinting off ahead of me evrey time i approached him, i ended up passing him, and felt slightly bad about it , and i was at a constant pace. Eventually After running the first mile i had 3 stiches! one in my shoulder, and two in my sides. To be honest i was ready to quit...

Sometimes you think to yourself, "lets gamble, lets just see how far you can take your self, lets test how much guts ya got!" Maybe thats just me , but sometimes thats just what you go to say to yourself! By the time i finished, i would have run another mile..., if it wasnt for my injury restrictions.

So today while running i relized that sometimes its not about how fast you go, its about running past your limits. Running through evrey stich, whistling boy(forgot to tell you that one), and achy knee. Running until you drop down, literally!

Running Agian

Recently while flipping thorugh runners world magazine I came across an intresting idea. Blog about your running to give you motivation. I laughed at the idea, be blogg, nahh, thats just what opionated people do. Yet here i'am blogging away...

A Couple months ago i injured myslef running, dont know what, how ,or even why, but i did. Scince i love running and the competion I continued to to run on it. Now some physical thearpy and scarred tissue later here i'am running a measly mile or so only evrey other day. Gradually(meaning little and worthless amount) incresing my mileage, but eventually i will be back, ill be stonger, and ill be faster.

my quote for today...
"If I am still standing at the end of the race, hit me with a board and knock me down, because that means I didn't run hard enough. "
Steve Jones, Welsh athlete and former marathon record holder